Our Story

Dhaka, Bangladesh

In 2014 Rick and Paula moved to Dhaka, Bangladesh as diplomats and saw first-hand the magnitude of the ubiquitous impoverishment of millions. While Paula worked as labor attaché at the US Embassy, Rick volunteered at various humanitarian organizations and then began offering rudimentary medical help to impoverished slum dwellers. Working with his cousin Ben who is a physician in Roanoke, Virginia, Rick sent photos via smartphone of skin diseases to Ben who diagnosed and prescribed medicines that Rick in turn purchased and administered to people who could not afford doctors or medicines.

Phnom Penh, Cambodia

In Phnom Penh, Cambodia in 2017, as Paula worked as Peace Corps Director, Rick volunteered at various NGOs teaching English to impoverished children and noticed a deficit in dental care. He started bringing children to get dental treatment at a reputable dental practice and solicited donations by email from his friends and colleagues back in the USA. As he continued working with kids, he realized that many of the eager to learn kids with no resources could greatly benefit from his financial support to attend English as a Second Language training at a prominent school in Phnom Penh.

Global Support for Girls’ Education

Thus began the early stages of what evolved into Le Awesome today. As people like you became as excited as Rick and Paula about improving the lives of girls through education, Le Awesome has grown from dental support and ESL support to today supporting impoverished girls in Phnom Penh with ESL training; private education; medical, dental, and vision care; WiFi; laptops; and transportation.